Laurence Bouchard: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" - Albert Einstein.
Edwaste: Harvest Moon / Monument Valley, Navajo Nation, 9/2018 (mono)
mistermacrophotos: Long Lines
Laurence Bouchard: Alone in the city
Prajzner: Calopteryx splendens
Rod Waddington: Scarified Mursi
david schweitzer: Tsemai Tattoo
Thomas Leuthard: The Umbrella Man #04
Despecitron24: Fourmis en fusion
tailfox32: La torre de Ordas DefWeb
-Chiallonz: -Close
joaquinain: Tosca Tallada
chris_thomson_1274: East Beach, Lossiemouth
Neil. Moralee: The sidelong glance.
fredzaraphotography: #hasselblad #kodakportra #profoto scan with hasselblad flextight x5
@utrphoto: Clair
Antoloza ZD: Velvet
Argolito: _2010047-web
Intibilim: Las curvas del templo / Temple curves
bwanahatari15: P2216346
Raymond Kuilboer: Circulation