tehchix0r: Kissing Swans
tehchix0r: Neck and neck - 4/13/07
tehchix0r: I'mma gonna git you, suckah!
tehchix0r: Walking on water
tehchix0r: Spread those wings
tehchix0r: Oliver looking... dumb - 4/4/07
tehchix0r: King Oliver
tehchix0r: Oliver is watching you!
tehchix0r: Oliver knows he's cute
tehchix0r: Oliver at rest
tehchix0r: Oliver at play
tehchix0r: Oliver staring
tehchix0r: DSCN0175.jpg
tehchix0r: Oliver sleeping
tehchix0r: Oliver hiding
tehchix0r: Oliver's eye - 4/20/07
tehchix0r: This is MY beach!
tehchix0r: Who's that handsome seagull in this puddle?
tehchix0r: Praying Mantis
tehchix0r: First Day of Spring (Project 365: 4/365)
tehchix0r: Spring robin