teh_lisa: OH SNAPP!
teh_lisa: hat beer iphone
teh_lisa: ilife
teh_lisa: beer engine eats
teh_lisa: mmmmm
teh_lisa: reading
teh_lisa: tape
teh_lisa: new hat
teh_lisa: Are you wearing glasses?
teh_lisa: rarrrrrrrrrr!
teh_lisa: Are you Susan?
teh_lisa: say cheese
teh_lisa: dueling cameras
teh_lisa: hmmmmmm
teh_lisa: mmmmmmmm foods
teh_lisa: No, I do not have facial hair.
teh_lisa: Do you have facial hair?
teh_lisa: ilu dude!
teh_lisa: smile!
teh_lisa: I'm gonna getcha!
teh_lisa: she really likes to jump
teh_lisa: jumping still
teh_lisa: pre-robot
teh_lisa: oh Bella
teh_lisa: reach for the sky!
teh_lisa: 1 up 1 down
teh_lisa: 1 up 1 down
teh_lisa: jump jump
teh_lisa: Jump jump