Idiolect: adience
Idiolect: marionette
Idiolect: I want to live _ I want to give
Idiolect: expecting to fly
Idiolect: cacti
Idiolect: cat n kale
Idiolect: gingko
Idiolect: waltz
Idiolect: tour
Idiolect: a milkweed rant
Idiolect: iris1
Idiolect: african violet behind glass
Idiolect: agave
Idiolect: afloat
Idiolect: open your jaws and howl
Idiolect: grape hyacinth
Idiolect: mono
Idiolect: psalm 103
Idiolect: pubescent poppy
Idiolect: hitting top
Idiolect: yellow and red
Idiolect: Veiled
Idiolect: Dogwood Breezes
Idiolect: Cornus (genus)
Idiolect: Cleome Hasslerana
Idiolect: winter couplet
Idiolect: welcoming comittee
Idiolect: Finger Tip
Idiolect: An Ant's Life