teffluvium: The Bus
teffluvium: The Four Steps of Flash
teffluvium: This is my studio
teffluvium: Official Laptop of TFB
teffluvium: The Flash Bus Tour - San Diego
teffluvium: Light the Floor
teffluvium: Light the Floor -- the Result
teffluvium: Two lights can be enough
teffluvium: McNally on a Laptop
teffluvium: Analyze your photos
teffluvium: Two lights can be enough
teffluvium: Covenant of Creatures
teffluvium: Setting up the Covenant of Creatures
teffluvium: David and a pianist
teffluvium: Strobist and an Opera singer walk into a shower ...
teffluvium: One light can be enough
teffluvium: Omni-directional Light
teffluvium: McNally greets the audience
teffluvium: Playing with Modifiers
teffluvium: Playing with Modifiers
teffluvium: Justin Bieber (look-alike)
teffluvium: Justin Bieber (look-alike)
teffluvium: TFB crowd during an intermission
teffluvium: McNally takes a breather
teffluvium: Lighting the Auditorium
teffluvium: Off-camera flash groups
teffluvium: McNally's Expression
teffluvium: Class participation
teffluvium: Class participation
teffluvium: Class participation