teesroom(take the air!): shanghai_IMG_0901
teesroom(take the air!): shanghai_peoples
teesroom(take the air!): wuxi_knittng factory
teesroom(take the air!): from the window
teesroom(take the air!): hongqiao airport
teesroom(take the air!): cross road_shanghai
teesroom(take the air!): hihowmuchisthis???
teesroom(take the air!): amorninginSHANGHAI
teesroom(take the air!): ihadastrollinshanghaiinonemorning
teesroom(take the air!): dyeing factory
teesroom(take the air!): crossroad_shanghai
teesroom(take the air!): hongqiao airport
teesroom(take the air!): workerofsewingfactory
teesroom(take the air!): nangtong_sewing factory
teesroom(take the air!): knitting machine