Trapac: The North West Tower was here - honest guv!
Trapac: Timber Coro (Choirstalls) to the Altar
Trapac: The Order of the Golden Flece.
Trapac: 14th Century Timber Coro
Trapac: Pulpit & Organ
Trapac: Timber Coro (Choirstalls) to the Northwest Entrance
Trapac: Scale...
Trapac: The Crypt of Santa Eulalia
Trapac: Santa Eulalia (A Little Closer)
Trapac: Nave
Trapac: Altar (From the Crypt!)
Trapac: Remnants of previous colours...
Trapac: Capella de les Animes del Purgatori
Trapac: Medieval Barcelona (What's left of it!)
Trapac: Under construction!
Trapac: Cloister Votives
Trapac: Two of thirteen...
Trapac: Just checking!
Trapac: Claustre Fountain Decoration
Trapac: One of many...
Trapac: The chapel of Sant Crist de Lapant