Trapac: Lost in a book...
Trapac: Sculpting Light 1.
Trapac: Summer in the city...
Trapac: Waiting for the ferry...
Trapac: Still beautiful...
Trapac: Whiling away the sunshine...
Trapac: Gotta Love Chanel...
Trapac: Chopped Feet, Narrow DOF - lots to learn still.
Trapac: Working Lunch...
Trapac: Music & Light...
Trapac: Someone pass her a decent cup...
Trapac: After the rain...
Trapac: I have NO idea...
Trapac: Empire State Building from 8th Avenue...
Trapac: A lazy afternoon...
Trapac: Cat Liquor that way?
Trapac: The tolerance of friendship...
Trapac: I'm sorry, I'm rushed off my feet just now...
Trapac: Framing a glimpse of times gone by...
Trapac: Decorative...
Trapac: Obfuscation...
Trapac: Real or Imagined?
Trapac: In Paris...
Trapac: Never Ending...
Trapac: Some bloke & a couple of birds...
Trapac: Sacred Ventricles...
Trapac: More Obfuscation...
Trapac: Time travel...
Trapac: Tangles with light & spokes...
Trapac: Even greater obfuscation...