Trapac: Continuing the 'shoot and miss it' series...
Trapac: How to shoot a bridge and (almost) miss it...
Trapac: Moody Blues...
Trapac: Steam Rollered...
Trapac: More Kew Patterns...
Trapac: Three trees, a bridge and a jumper!
Trapac: Honeycomb Jigsaw...
Trapac: ...midst long shadows ghosts the halo for the diamond ring...
Trapac: On THAT bridge...
Trapac: Outside Looking In...
Trapac: Another Day...
Trapac: Just popped out to paint a wall....
Trapac: Honeycomb Trumpet...
Trapac: Sampler Goes Round!
Trapac: Seven and Seven Is or Sunshine Bathed the Golden Glow...
Trapac: Towards the light...
Trapac: Bathes the room and all who enter...
Trapac: To An Armadillo's Belly!
Trapac: A Jamboree of Iron & Light...
Trapac: Evocation Of Lost Time...
Trapac: 'twas Lynchian...
Trapac: Time Out (for two).
Trapac: Dimly Gleams...
Trapac: The Red Shoes of Cathcart...
Trapac: Sinking...
Trapac: Spreads...
Trapac: Sombre...
Trapac: Still towering...
Trapac: Somehow still beautiful...