teemus: Changeable Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)
teemus: On the way to Nandi Hills...
teemus: Vijay and Mike...
teemus: Fog in Nandi Hills...
teemus: Nilgiri Wood-pigeon (Columba elphinstonii)
teemus: Suhas and Yathin
teemus: Bird-watchers...
teemus: Mike and Suhas...
teemus: View from Nandi Hills...
teemus: Indian Robin (Saxicoloides fulicata)
teemus: Indian Robin (Saxicoloides fulicata)
teemus: Purple flowers
teemus: Ajay and Suhas
teemus: Cruise control in the Hyundai Tucson...
teemus: Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
teemus: At TG Halli...
teemus: TG Halli...