Martika G: Day Three - The Fall
Martika G: String.
Martika G: iRead
Martika G: Border jewel work
Martika G: Bead work
Martika G: My first sari
Martika G: Sari
Martika G: My favourite.
Martika G: Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.
Martika G: Ol'
Martika G: Short & Stout
Martika G: Tina's Centerpiece
Martika G: Bouquet of Cupcakes
Martika G: far from the sea shore.
Martika G: poser.
Martika G: oh hey, habit.
Martika G: whirl.
Martika G: bleeding hearts.
Martika G: these pretty lights.
Martika G: grace.
Martika G: lights and lemons
Martika G: Gretel's Gift.
Martika G: Martini for Martika
Martika G: Day Fifteen - Conversational Skills.
Martika G: Day Seventeen - Millions.
Martika G: Day Twenty Two - Studying.
Martika G: BB