teelip: Pigeon portrait (taken with iPhone7+)
teelip: Markings
teelip: Mmmmm.....
teelip: Pigeon @ Tokyo subway station
teelip: Still life upon staircase
teelip: Radiating veg
teelip: 2nd prize open category winner (theme 3: Space, #nofilter, #newperspective) @ Canon Photomarathon Singapore 2016
teelip: Of patterns and textures
teelip: The pigeon and the plant
teelip: The pigeon and the plant (mono)
teelip: Coney Island off the Northern East coast of Singapore has many small and unknown paths some dead ended and some leads to more discoveries! I can imagine a version of hunger games re-enacted there!
teelip: Splendour of nature
teelip: Plant against urban warm
teelip: Big bouquet blocks the view in male toilet...
teelip: Urban jungle
teelip: Out there...
teelip: Fallen Flower
teelip: Of pits and stalks
teelip: Relaxing high up in the mountains of Cameron highland tea plantation. Lovely cooling weather.
teelip: Of bark and lichen
teelip: The tea plantation in Cameron Highlands, West Malaysia
teelip: Panorama of the tea plantation in Cameron Highlands, West Malaysia.
teelip: Ally of grass patch
teelip: Thorax-of-Flying-Insect
teelip: Abdomen-End-of-a-Flying-Insect
teelip: Edge-of-iridescent-wing-of-a-Flying-Insect
teelip: Abandoned court
teelip: Setting sun
teelip: Star Struck Spidey
teelip: Playful Spidey