TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Stairs leading to the house were all lit with candles prepared by Brenda... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Showing RiRi the view of the stairs... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): On our doorstep... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): No lights, just candles everywhere... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Giving Patrick the tour and showing him the play of lights under the DIY buffet tables :)... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Everything carefully lit with candles... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): The buffet... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Surprise RiRi!... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Thank you Brenda for all the preparations... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): RiaPats in Yab Yum position... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): John smiling! ... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Shocked? Surprised? Happy? ... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Thank you Brenda for all the DIY candles... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Rim's DIY corner... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Sahtein Gerard... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Hope you like the food Steph... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Cheers Nadim... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Raghd is wondering what he's doing here... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): John is thinking of the best way to kill himself and get out of this situation... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Patsy enjoying her wicked plan/surprise... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Happy face!... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): More happy faces... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): And here starts the surprise... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Hope they're not laughing at Patsy's outfit :) ... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Is RiRi dancing ballet in the back?... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Bachir: "What the hell is Patsy doing?"... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Mmh, does Patsy still fit in her wedding dress that she wore 10 years ago!?... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): John is laughing! Might he be enjoying his time?!... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): Bachir still can't beleive this is happening... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13
TEDxSKE (Lebanon): TEDxSKEers- we love you!... at TEDxSKE Special Anniversary salon on 16.11.13