TEDxAthens: DSC_0418
TEDxAthens: DSC_0307
TEDxAthens: DSC_0302
TEDxAthens: DSC_0247
TEDxAthens: DSC_0244
TEDxAthens: DSC_0240
TEDxAthens: DSC_0224
TEDxAthens: DSC_0199
TEDxAthens: Conno Christou, Tech Entrepreneur & Aimilios Chalamandaris, Tech Entrepreneur
TEDxAthens: DSC_0155
TEDxAthens: DSC_0095
TEDxAthens: DSC_0071
TEDxAthens: DSC_0067
TEDxAthens: DSC_0019
TEDxAthens: Q&A with professor Massimo Pigliucci, philosopher
TEDxAthens: Q&A with professor Massimo Pigliucci, philosopher
TEDxAthens: Konstantinos Amvrosiadis, Tai Chi: A Moving Meditation
TEDxAthens: Reading to the Others, Reading using the 4 senses
TEDxAthens: Q&A with Dimitris Papastergiou, Mayor of Trikala
TEDxAthens: IMG_8009
TEDxAthens: Vassilis T. Xypolias, Mindfulness: The Art of Conscious Living
TEDxAthens: Vassilis T. Xypolias, Mindfulness: The Art of Conscious Living
TEDxAthens: Q&A with Huw Kingston, Adventurer & Environmentalist
TEDxAthens: Q&A with Huw Kingston, Adventurer & Environmentalist
TEDxAthens: IMG_7836
TEDxAthens: IMG_7772
TEDxAthens: IMG_7762
TEDxAthens: IMG_7754
TEDxAthens: Aimilios Chalamandaris, Tech Entrepreneur
TEDxAthens: Conno Christou, Tech Entrepreneur & Aimilios Chalamandaris, Tech Entrepreneur