mills70: Lug it!
mills70: Slizurp
mills70: Your menu for this evening...
mills70: Brother and Sister
mills70: Japanese "pasta"
mills70: Whole lotta sushi going on
mills70: Noooooooom
mills70: The Counter
mills70: Sweet potato and regular fries
mills70: My messburger
mills70: Structural fail
mills70: Burning Man or Bust
mills70: The Gold and Silver Inn
mills70: A classic mug of watery joe
mills70: Grilled Ham and Cheese
mills70: Thank you Gold and Silver Inn!
mills70: Clang.
mills70: Playa dust angel
mills70: Kiss the ground, bitch!
mills70: Home for a week
mills70: The man
mills70: On the moon
mills70: Dark flower
mills70: Footsteps on the moon
mills70: Lights on the desert floor
mills70: Suits
mills70: Good morning Burners!
mills70: Geodesic
mills70: Assembling Hookahdome interior
mills70: Hookahdome interior