mills70: Johanna's art show
mills70: Uncle Fritz
mills70: "As You Were" by Thomas Doyle
mills70: Guston!
mills70: Tattoed ladies
mills70: Um, a painting
mills70: Another one
mills70: Heart Interview
mills70: The daughter
mills70: the mother
mills70: Infernal Machine
mills70: Indigestable
mills70: Ido
mills70: Saul Gray-Hildenbrand
mills70: Annunciation
mills70: Devil mask
mills70: Studio
mills70: George Legrady: Stardust
mills70: Henry Lenny's napkin art
mills70: Henry Lenny
mills70: First painting for First Thursdays
mills70: Maurie, unknown friend, and Tracey
mills70: Cool cassette based art
mills70: Vintage camera
mills70: Joseph Di Sipio
mills70: This kind of thing
mills70: Box of objects
mills70: Matt and Holly
mills70: j'accuse!
mills70: CAF peeps are photogenic