mills70: Winging my way over
mills70: Aloha!
mills70: Room 529, Outrigger Waikiki on da Beeeeeeeeatch
mills70: Outrigger hallway
mills70: First drink o' the trip!
mills70: Hula Grill
mills70: Ceviche
mills70: Ribs!
mills70: Piña Colada
mills70: Your mirror shot for the trip
mills70: For the love of Duke!
mills70: Morning!
mills70: Hello, Honolulu!!
mills70: Waikiki Beach!
mills70: Ramen!
mills70: Chinatown!
mills70: McLean Block
mills70: Grimy alleyway
mills70: Destructo Quadro
mills70: Jos. P. Mendonca, 1901
mills70: Tan Sing Building, 1926
mills70: Boatload of refugees
mills70: Be Aware of Meth Tweekers Beware!
mills70: International Marketplace
mills70: To-Chau Veitnamese
mills70: Pho!
mills70: The boys are sleeping in their spam tins
mills70: Old n' funky
mills70: Dilapidated
mills70: More of that