Ted Lai: Amber at Minneapolis Airport
Ted Lai: Polar Bear
Ted Lai: the Zoo shuttle
Ted Lai: Us and 2 strangers
Ted Lai: Overview of the Zoo shot from the tram
Ted Lai: Kandan, ice cream time!
Ted Lai: Ivy and Amber chilling
Ted Lai: Ivy with some animal
Ted Lai: Ivy with some dog
Ted Lai: Wild Boar?
Ted Lai: What is this?
Ted Lai: Kandan climbing on a cow
Ted Lai: Kandan and the cow
Ted Lai: Kandan again
Ted Lai: Polar Bear
Ted Lai: Polar Bear
Ted Lai: Kandan - with Esther in background
Ted Lai: A shoe on a rock
Ted Lai: Amber with Rexy
Ted Lai: Some bird
Ted Lai: 20070809_0204
Ted Lai: Amber in a little cave
Ted Lai: Zebras
Ted Lai: Eagle
Ted Lai: Pigs.
Ted Lai: Hi people!
Ted Lai: Mom and Amber
Ted Lai: Amber and pandas
Ted Lai: My butt
Ted Lai: Hi, came to see me?