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Veteran Headstones by Ted Jones
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Ted Jones
Veteran from the U S Civil war
Ted Jones
U S Revolution
Ted Jones
Deo Vindice
Ted Jones
Revolutionary War Marker
Ted Jones
Vet from the Revolutionary War
Ted Jones
Vet from the American Revolution
Ted Jones
Confederate soilder grave
Ted Jones
Revolutionary War Soldier
Ted Jones
William Elrod - CSA
Ted Jones
General Benjamin Cleveland - War 1812
Ted Jones
General James Rutherford Wyly - War of 1812
Ted Jones
William Nichols - CSA
Ted Jones
John C Porter - CSA
Ted Jones
War of 1812 Headstone - George Duval Phillips
Ted Jones
Conferderate States of America Grave Marker
Ted Jones
Rev Henry Wood - my 5th Great Grandfather
Ted Jones
Rev Henry Wood - my 5th Great Grandfather
Ted Jones
Benjam F Slocumb - CSA
Ted Jones
David A Meaders - CSA marker
Ted Jones
Vet from the American Revolution
Ted Jones
Revolutionary War Marker
Ted Jones
Frederic Davidson of the Revolutionary War
Ted Jones
Jesse Richardson: 1765 - 1857
Ted Jones
Henry Wood