Ted Jones: Veteran from the U S Civil war
Ted Jones: U S Revolution
Ted Jones: Deo Vindice
Ted Jones: Revolutionary War Marker
Ted Jones: Vet from the Revolutionary War
Ted Jones: Vet from the American Revolution
Ted Jones: Confederate soilder grave
Ted Jones: Revolutionary War Soldier
Ted Jones: William Elrod - CSA
Ted Jones: General Benjamin Cleveland - War 1812
Ted Jones: General James Rutherford Wyly - War of 1812
Ted Jones: William Nichols - CSA
Ted Jones: John C Porter - CSA
Ted Jones: War of 1812 Headstone - George Duval Phillips
Ted Jones: Conferderate States of America Grave Marker
Ted Jones: Rev Henry Wood - my 5th Great Grandfather
Ted Jones: Rev Henry Wood - my 5th Great Grandfather
Ted Jones: Benjam F Slocumb - CSA
Ted Jones: David A Meaders - CSA marker
Ted Jones: Vet from the American Revolution
Ted Jones: Revolutionary War Marker
Ted Jones: Frederic Davidson of the Revolutionary War
Ted Jones: Jesse Richardson: 1765 - 1857
Ted Jones: Henry Wood