Ted Jones: Loudsville UMC - Est. 1832
Ted Jones: Loudsville UMC
Ted Jones: Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Arbor at Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: The Arbor at Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Loudsville United Methodist Campground
Ted Jones: Inside the Arbor at Loudsville UMC Campground
Ted Jones: View from inside the Arbor at the Tents
Ted Jones: View from indisde the Arbor at the Tents
Ted Jones: Inside one of the Tents
Ted Jones: Listening to our guide
Ted Jones: more tents
Ted Jones: more tents
Ted Jones: Headed down to the Teens shelter
Ted Jones: Smithgall Woods
Ted Jones: Public enterance to Smithgall Woods
Ted Jones: Smithdall Woods
Ted Jones: One of the Cabin Rental at Smithgall Woods
Ted Jones: Curtis Our Guide
Ted Jones: Curtis our guide with more details abt the Cabins
Ted Jones: Curtis showing off the flower gardens
Ted Jones: One of the Cabin Rental at Smithgall Woods
Ted Jones: One of the Cabin Rental at Smithgall Woods
Ted Jones: Ford across Duke's Creek
Ted Jones: Foot Bridge across Dukes Creek
Ted Jones: Dukes Creek from the foot bridge