Ted Jones: Emory Jones, our day trip guide
Ted Jones: Meaders Old Homestead/Kiln
Ted Jones: DSC_2063
Ted Jones: Old Meaders Kiln Location
Ted Jones: Old Meaders Family Kiln Location
Ted Jones: Meaders Old homestead
Ted Jones: Meaders Old Homestead and Kiln location
Ted Jones: Emory Jones providiing old stores and tales of the Meaders
Ted Jones: More stories and tales by Emory Jones
Ted Jones: DSC_2071
Ted Jones: Mossy Creek UMC
Ted Jones: Cemetery of Mossy Creek UMC
Ted Jones: Cemetery of Mossy Creek UMC
Ted Jones: Cemetery of Mossy Creek UMC
Ted Jones: Dorsey Family
Ted Jones: Cemetery of Mossy Creek UMC
Ted Jones: Cemetery of Mossy Creek UMC - old historic section
Ted Jones: Emory Jones providing many details
Ted Jones: David A Meaders - CSA marker
Ted Jones: Cemetery of Mossy Creek UMC - old historic section
Ted Jones: Confederate soilder grave
Ted Jones: Revolutionary War Marker
Ted Jones: Frederic Davidson of the Revolutionary War
Ted Jones: DSC_2087
Ted Jones: Revolutionary War Soldier
Ted Jones: DSC_2089
Ted Jones: Mt Yona in the distance from Mossy Creek UMC
Ted Jones: Mossy Creek and Rock Springs UMC Campgrounds
Ted Jones: Rock Springs Campground
Ted Jones: Headed to the Rock Springs Arbor