Ted Jones: DSC_0118
Ted Jones: Donald Duck
Ted Jones: Lineup in batting order
Ted Jones: DSC_0121
Ted Jones: DSC_0122
Ted Jones: DSC_0123
Ted Jones: DSC_0124
Ted Jones: DSC_0125
Ted Jones: DSC_0126
Ted Jones: DSC_0127
Ted Jones: Manny Banuelos starting picture
Ted Jones: Mickey Mouse with first pitch ceremony
Ted Jones: Mickey Mouse with first pitch ceremony
Ted Jones: National Anthem
Ted Jones: National Anthem
Ted Jones: National Anthem
Ted Jones: Ralph Garr with lineup
Ted Jones: Ralph Garr with lineup
Ted Jones: DSC_0137
Ted Jones: Ralph Garr with lineup
Ted Jones: Ralph Garr with lineup
Ted Jones: Ralph Garr with lineup
Ted Jones: Umps fot the game
Ted Jones: Manny Banuelos starting picture
Ted Jones: Manny Banuelos starting picture
Ted Jones: Manny Banuelos starting picture
Ted Jones: Manny Banuelos starting picture
Ted Jones: Manny Banuelos starting picture
Ted Jones: DSC_0147
Ted Jones: our ole buddy Martin Prado