Ted Jones: Dale Ernhart's car on display
Ted Jones: Bill Elliot's car on display
Ted Jones: Sam Colvin's car on display
Ted Jones: Bill Elliott - "Wild Bill from Dawsonville"
Ted Jones: Dale Earnhardt - "The Intimidator"
Ted Jones: Todd Bodine
Ted Jones: Todd Bodine
Ted Jones: 1937 Ford Red Voyt Race Car
Ted Jones: Gober Sosobee's car
Ted Jones: Gober Sosobee's car
Ted Jones: Bill Elliott's first race car
Ted Jones: Bill Elliot's first race car
Ted Jones: Bill Elliott's first race car
Ted Jones: Casey Elliot
Ted Jones: Casey and Bill Elliot's cars
Ted Jones: Collection of Elliot's cars
Ted Jones: Collection of Elliot's cars
Ted Jones: Wild Bill from Dawsonville
Ted Jones: Elliot's # 9
Ted Jones: On the square
Ted Jones: 40 Fords on the square
Ted Jones: On the square
Ted Jones: On the square
Ted Jones: On the square
Ted Jones: On the square
Ted Jones: more 40 Fords lined up
Ted Jones: Old cars on the square in Dawsonville
Ted Jones: DSCN0745
Ted Jones: On the Square with old cars
Ted Jones: DSCN0747