tedfoo: phil on tues
tedfoo: tree shopping on saturday
tedfoo: are you on my side?
tedfoo: while I slept she nailed down my heart
tedfoo: good morning, internet
tedfoo: me, rhen and walter the farting dog
tedfoo: stay at home carnivore
tedfoo: chickenista
tedfoo: Friday afternoon
tedfoo: I got this thing that I consider my only art
tedfoo: shifty seattle (for your pocket)
tedfoo: enroute to mos eisley
tedfoo: old secrets kept in your old heart
tedfoo: this one is for you beige wall
tedfoo: watkins factory courtyard
tedfoo: oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree
tedfoo: Rhen and his dragon
tedfoo: kiss
tedfoo: C_ saturday night
tedfoo: this is for you, and is for me
tedfoo: Administrative
tedfoo: me, rhen and north dakota law
tedfoo: woodlawn cemetery
tedfoo: Rhen, 2 years old
tedfoo: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell.
tedfoo: C_ by the river
tedfoo: golden coonhound napping
tedfoo: swings during winter
tedfoo: rhen
tedfoo: you made me love you