tedesco57: Memorial to Blanche, Baroness Scarsdale at All Saints, Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: The Curzon Memorial, All Saints, Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Sir John Curzon, All Saints, Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Memorial to St. Nathanial Curzon, All Saints, Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Room Service Please! Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: The Bells! Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Silver for the table at Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Robert Adam Bridge and cascade. Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland
tedesco57: The Robert Adam Bridge and cascade, Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Walk through to the garden at Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland
tedesco57: Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland
tedesco57: The Fountain and Folly at Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: A fountain in the grounds of Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT
tedesco57: Kedleston Hall 18th-century mansion with Adam interiors, colonial history and vast parkland NT