tedesco57: Basildon park NT
tedesco57: The library, Basildon park NT
tedesco57: The Library, Basildon park NT
tedesco57: The Library, Basildon park NT
tedesco57: The Library, Basildon park NT
tedesco57: History folder of Basildon park NT
tedesco57: A Wedgewood clay wine cooler for 3 bottles, the library, Basildon park NT
tedesco57: A Mantle Clock, Blanchin a Paris, in the library of Basildon park NT
tedesco57: Basildon park NT
tedesco57: Basildon park NT
tedesco57: Basildon park NT
tedesco57: A coppiced tree in the grounds of Basildon House NT
tedesco57: A coppiced tree, now mature at Basildon House NT
tedesco57: Mulberry tree in the gardens of Basildon House NT
tedesco57: Mulberry tree in the gardens of Basildon House NT
tedesco57: Cafe and shop in the former stables at Basildon House NT
tedesco57: The Staircase at Basildon Park NT, children trying out the piano...