tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Early morning mist just rising. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Coast Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Coast Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Chinese cedar, cunninghamia lancelota. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Chinese cedar, cunninghamia lancelota. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Chinese cedar, cunninghamia lancelota. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Misty Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout. The fog had just dispersed to reveal that glorious Cedar of Lebanon in the distance.
tedesco57: Japanese Cedar, Cryptomeria japonica. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Japanese Cedar, Cryptomeria japonica. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: The Belvedere Tower. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: The Belvedere Tower. Claremont landscaped garden, 18th Century layout
tedesco57: Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: KATY (Snowy Eagle owl from the Arctic). Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: Little MO (Siberian Eagle Owl). Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: Igor, European Eagle Owl. Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: Little Mo (Siberian Eagle Owl). Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: IGOR, a European Eagle owl handled by Clive. Bird of prey demonstration by Huxley bird of prey centre at Claremont Gardens
tedesco57: Falcon display at Claremont Gardens NT
tedesco57: Falcon display at Claremont Gardens NT