Video of Lough Allen valley from the Arigna Mining Experience. The wind was picked up by the microphone.
Old pictrue of a steam train taking the coal away from the mountain. Arigna Mining Experience
Fossilised trunks from sigillaria trees found during mining operations at Arigna Mining Experience
Generator control panel of the power station which burnt Arigna coal. Arigna Mining Experience. Made in Germany.
The thin coal seam shown in it's strata. It was hacked away by miners laying down on their sides, Arigna Mining Experience
Our guide, a former miner explains the strata, 20in of coal seam, Arigna Mining Experience. Temperature inside the mine is a constant 10C.
Arigna Mining Experience. A picture of Jesus, the 'health and safety officer of the private mine' at the entrance....
Our guide demonstrates the lie of the coal seams in the mountain. Arigna Mining Experience
Water ingress into the mine, the rusty deposits are from iron in the rock. Arigna Mining Experience
Miners finished their shift about 1pm for the gelignite crew to come in to blast the rocks above the seam. This would expose the coal seam further down for next morning. Arigna Mining Experience. The coal seam was so narrow, miners worked laying down.
A miner hacking the coal in the lying down position because of the thin coal seam at Arigna Mining Experience
A miner hacking the coal in the lying down position because of the thin coal seam at Arigna Mining Experience
A miner hacking the coal in the lying down position because of the thin coal seam at Arigna Mining Experience
Our guide [a former miner] demonstrates the short shovel used at Arigna Mining Experience. The coal seams were only 20in high and the miners had to crawl in sideways to shovel out the coal onto a waggon, called a 'hutch'.