tedesco57: Waterworks, cascade and lakes by Lancelot Brown at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: White Daffodils, Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Waterworks, cascade and lakes by Lancelot Brown at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Waterworks, cascade and lakes by Lancelot Brown at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: spring has sprung at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Duck nest on the lake at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: A nest in the water at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Coot's nest at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: 'Tis the time of year.... At Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: A lake and cascade of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown design at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: A 'Capability' Brown water cascade at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent - a Lancelot Brown cascade
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent, giant Cedar of Lebanon
tedesco57: Lake and Lebanon cedar... Who else but Lancelot Brown's touch at the landscaping of Leeds Castle, Kent?
tedesco57: Cedrus Libani Lebanon Cedar at Leeds Castle, Kent, probably planted there by instructions of Lancelot Brown 1716-1783
tedesco57: Cedar of Lebanon, lakes and cascades at Leeds Castle, Kent. Sure sign that Lancelot 'Capability' Brown worked here...
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent - the watercourses designed by Lancelot Brown
tedesco57: A very weeping willow, gardens of Leeds Castle, Kent. Designed by Lancelot 'capability' Brown
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: The water mill at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: The gatehouse at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Martha, (d1743), daughter of Anthony Collins. First wife of 7th Lord Fairfax (1706-1793) by Allan Ramshaw (1713-1784) at Leeds Castle, Kent
tedesco57: Leeds Castle, Kent (view large: press L)