tedesco57: Part of the collection of Charles Wade at Snowshill Manor
tedesco57: Charles Paget Wade, oil, at Snowshill Manor
tedesco57: Part of the collection of Charles Wade at Snowshill Manor
tedesco57: Part of the collection of Charles Wade at Snowshill Manor
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor and the man himself, Charles Paget Wade, NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: The Dovecote at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Dovecote at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: A lead rainwater butt at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: A lead rainwater butt at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: St. George defeating the dragon at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Pidgeon roost at the priest house of Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: The interior of the Priest House where Charles Wade lived. His collection was housed at Snowshill Manor, next door! His bed is to the left rear of the room.
tedesco57: Inside the Priest House where Charles Paget Wade lived, next door to Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: A 48 gun 3 master carrack Inside the Priest House where Charles Paget Wade lived, next door to Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Inside the Priest House where Charles Paget Wade lived, next door to Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: The Priest House at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: The Priest House at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Have a Bath! ...Inside the Priest House where Charles Paget Wade lived, next door to Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Bathtub at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Inside the Priest House where Charles Paget Wade lived, next door to Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Snowshill Manor, left and the Priest house, where Charles Wade lived, on the right
tedesco57: Kitchen table, Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Inside the Priest House at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Inside the Priest House at Snowshill Manor NT