tedesco57: Rose garden at Chartwell
tedesco57: Potato patch at Chartwell
tedesco57: Chartwell rose garden
tedesco57: Chartwell kitchen garden
tedesco57: Chartwell garden walls, built by Winston Churchill himself
tedesco57: Croquet lawn at Chartwell
tedesco57: Chartwell kitchen garden
tedesco57: Garden walls at Chartwell
tedesco57: Mulberry tree at Chartwell
tedesco57: Vegetable garden at Chartwell
tedesco57: Croquet lawn at Chartwell
tedesco57: Fine Tea rose at Chartwell
tedesco57: Winston Churchill's studio and and staff cottages
tedesco57: Garden walls at Chartwell
tedesco57: Upper lake and seat at Chartwell
tedesco57: Chartwell walled garden - Allium christophii
tedesco57: Chartwell - the lake Winston Churchill had dug
tedesco57: Wild flowers at the lake edge - Centranthus ruber
tedesco57: Staff cottage at Chartwell
tedesco57: Yellow Water Iris - Iris pseudacorus - at Winston churchill's lake at Chartwell
tedesco57: The lake at Chartwell
tedesco57: Black swans at Chartwell
tedesco57: Sir Winston and Lady Clementine Churchill
tedesco57: The bridge at Chartwell
tedesco57: Black Swans at Chartwell
tedesco57: Black Swans at Chartwell
tedesco57: The Lake at Chartwell
tedesco57: Chartwell
tedesco57: Chartwell gardens and lake
tedesco57: Oast Houses at Chartwell