tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - the stone Dam
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy drive to the hotel
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy Dam - the hotel is on the brow of the hill left -view Large
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy Dam - the hotel is on the brow of the hill left -view Large
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - Troll near the shop....
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - Troll near the shop....
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy Dam
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - Pecking order pole
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - Pecking order pole
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - Pecking order pole
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy Hotel
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Tributary to Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy - the hotel in the distance
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy, the observation house framed
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy, the observation house framed
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy, the observation house framed
tedesco57: The water tower at Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy
tedesco57: Lake Vyrnwy