tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa
tedesco57: Kabelsalat - Computers 4 Africa
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa raft race
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa raft race - waiting for the start seemed like ages...
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa raft race
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa
tedesco57: Pirate on Computers 4 Africa raft
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa raft launch
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa towards the starting line of the raft race...
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa towards the start line of the raft race
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa toward the starting line of the raft race
tedesco57: Medway Raft Race
tedesco57: Computers 4 Africa towards the start line of the raft race