tedesco57: Take a letter Miss Jones....
tedesco57: Office calculator circa 1960
tedesco57: Flam Railway Station Ticket office
tedesco57: Retro typo. Adler mechanical typewriter
tedesco57: Office equipment
tedesco57: Office equipment
tedesco57: We have a modern office Miss Smith, take your pick....
tedesco57: Office equipment
tedesco57: Office equipment, Hispano Olivetti typewriter
tedesco57: Office equipment
tedesco57: Office equipment
tedesco57: Office Lexikon typewriter
tedesco57: Office equipment
tedesco57: Your inventory doesn't tally - better add that up again Paul!!
tedesco57: Check that invoice, Erwin
tedesco57: Let's check that invoice again, Arnold!
tedesco57: Office equipment - calculator
tedesco57: Alcatel Computer
tedesco57: Pedersen Radio Kopenhagen
tedesco57: Imperial typewriter at a shop in Whitstable