tedesco57: Stir fry cooked on the garden range
tedesco57: Stir fry cooked on the garden range
tedesco57: Stir fry cooked on the garden range
tedesco57: Cooked crisp - to perfection
tedesco57: Pizza oven
tedesco57: Pizza oven
tedesco57: No Pizza today
tedesco57: First firing of the year
tedesco57: Sunflowers awake!
tedesco57: Pizza today!
tedesco57: Pizza with Mozzarella and prosciutto (ham)
tedesco57: Pizza
tedesco57: Sunflowers 6 Aug 2011
tedesco57: No Pizza today
tedesco57: Hibiscus
tedesco57: Pizza oven in June
tedesco57: Minoan clay oven 17th C BC
tedesco57: About time we fired the oven again!
tedesco57: Chicken Thigh Lunch cooking on the range in the garden
tedesco57: Sunflowers raking their heads...
tedesco57: Pizza to go!
tedesco57: Pizza ingredients
tedesco57: Bakin' Pizza and grilling Courgettes again
tedesco57: Dusty joins the garden party
tedesco57: Grilling sausages on the Pizza oven range
tedesco57: Pizza oven panorama
tedesco57: Pizza oven and Lillies
tedesco57: Cooking Sardines on the range during lockdown
tedesco57: Firing up the pizza range in the garden
tedesco57: Mittens, the neighbour's cat sitting on my pizza oven