tede1207: Here, Dad, help me, too.
tede1207: Ymmmy!
tede1207: Sunny, here it is, here it is...
tede1207: Darn Tape
tede1207: okay, just one more piece of tape
tede1207: Are you sure this is okay, Daddy?
tede1207: Sniff, wheresit
tede1207: What's this?
tede1207: There's just one more little crumb right---here
tede1207: Hold Still
tede1207: treat, treat, treat, treat gimmme, gimmme, gimmme.
tede1207: Tape, tape, tape, grrrrrrrr
tede1207: Now Tede opened his by pulling on thisssss.
tede1207: hummmmmmm?
tede1207: You take the little treat, I'll take the big one, K?
tede1207: Just one more tug
tede1207: I know there is something in here, I just know it.
tede1207: What'd he get?
tede1207: Squeek!
tede1207: That was really gooooooooood! Is there any more?