teddingtontown: Roastie at the Kings Head
teddingtontown: CJ Miles - sign inside Scarpetta Restaurant
teddingtontown: CJ Miles sign explanation - Scarpetta
teddingtontown: Adelaide - Salmon en croute
teddingtontown: Adelaide - Apple Pie
teddingtontown: Watching, waiting...
teddingtontown: Bloated Mallard
teddingtontown: Clock House dining room
teddingtontown: Big menu, big decisions to be made - Diners Delight breakfasts
teddingtontown: Pool table at the Dowager
teddingtontown: Florentina pizza at Scarpetta
teddingtontown: La Bottega blueberry cake
teddingtontown: Chocolate cake. Done.
teddingtontown: Diner's Delight - Cumberland sausages from AG Miller
teddingtontown: Diner's Delight breakfast
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot meets Diner's Delight
teddingtontown: Unknown dolls house furniture at the Clock House
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot: Cheesecake aux Fraises
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot: Summer fruit souffle
teddingtontown: Hair-raising challenge
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot: Filet de Porc
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot: Cannon of West Country Lamb
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot: Sweet red pepper bavarois, asparagus & courgette
teddingtontown: Retro Bistrot: Cannellonis de Saumon with wasabi sorbet
teddingtontown: Retrot Bistrot: Ballotine de Foie Gras
teddingtontown: Dinner with Jon Roseman
teddingtontown: Jon Roseman at Retro Bistrot
teddingtontown: Teddington Arms refurb
teddingtontown: Royal Oak: fanciful beers