teddave: Sex and the City **
teddave: train snap
teddave: oop north ¤ {see below RIP}
teddave: drive by Elv.
teddave: bus with Jenga, Mex
teddave: W on I80 to SF
teddave: water tower, Chicago
teddave: road and water tower, IO
teddave: Ram, sun, freeway
teddave: flyover
teddave: Kum & Go, IO
teddave: red and white tower, The Ladder, CA
teddave: water tower, red, Mex
teddave: girder bridge at dusk, CA
teddave: price of gas
teddave: lights
teddave: 37 bus
teddave: temple bus stop
teddave: octos on chelsea bridge
teddave: north circular
teddave: Ted's Trip polaroids: CA_road
teddave: Ted's Trip polaroids: mexico, the devils spine
teddave: stiff
teddave: Smoke stack
teddave: back of no 10 there is a phalanx of cavalry to repel bonaparte's legendary polish lancers
teddave: freeway, LA
teddave: clark from rugged coast adventures
teddave: crikey - critical mass
teddave: Snicket Moulton Buddha