@tedchang: Backyard sunset IMG_2092
@tedchang: Syracuse Sunset IMG_2615
@tedchang: Syracuse University Sunset IMG_2606
@tedchang: Eyes Wide Open in Cold Spring, NY IMG_2891
@tedchang: Butterfly IMG_2889
@tedchang: Garrison's Hudson River IMG_0563
@tedchang: Eastern Tent Caterpillar IMG_0219
@tedchang: Syracuse sunset IMG_2612
@tedchang: Pensive sunset IMG_2611
@tedchang: He Shoots, He Scores!!! IMG_1123[1]
@tedchang: Peekskill's Hudson River IMG_1842
@tedchang: Metro-North, Peekskill Station IMG_1562
@tedchang: Forgot Matching Socks IMG_2760
@tedchang: Lake Reflection IMG_0650
@tedchang: Damn fence post, I had the right of way! DSCF0039
@tedchang: Firewood Shed IMG_0713
@tedchang: Fire IMG_0522
@tedchang: Art in the Making IMG_0394
@tedchang: Culinary Institute of America IMG_2755
@tedchang: Muir Fog IMG_2709
@tedchang: Philly Independence Day IMG_2199
@tedchang: Philly Independence Day IMG_2198
@tedchang: Wedding Dancing IMG_1971
@tedchang: Frozen Treat
@tedchang: I'm so loveable
@tedchang: Pike Ice Fishing Derby
@tedchang: Winter Morning in the North Country
@tedchang: St. Regis River Snowmobile Tracks Hogansburg NY
@tedchang: West Point Fog
@tedchang: Returning North