Ted Bell: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
Ted Bell: Eastern Screech Owl
Ted Bell: Green Heron with Crayfish
Ted Bell: Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea)
Ted Bell: Crow In-Flight
Ted Bell: Red-Headed Woodpecker
Ted Bell: Red-Tailed Hawk
Ted Bell: Mute Swan
Ted Bell: Red-Tailed Hawk
Ted Bell: Red-tailed Hawk
Ted Bell: Swan
Ted Bell: Red-Tailed Hawk
Ted Bell: Robin
Ted Bell: Carolina Chickadee
Ted Bell: Brown-Headed Nuthatch
Ted Bell: Blue Jay
Ted Bell: Mourning Dove
Ted Bell: Nuthatch (deformed beak)
Ted Bell: Sparrow
Ted Bell: Red-bellied Woodpecker (m)
Ted Bell: Mockingbird
Ted Bell: American Robin
Ted Bell: Blue Jay
Ted Bell: American Goldfinch (m)
Ted Bell: American Goldfinch (f)
Ted Bell: American Robin
Ted Bell: The Cardinal
Ted Bell: Mockingbird
Ted Bell: Song Sparrow
Ted Bell: Sparrow on fence