Ted and Jen:
NY Map
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DAY 1: UPPER WEST SIDE. View towards the Hudson River from our window at Beacon Hotel, Broadway / W 75th Street (bl.1)
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View from our window of the former Ansonia Residential Hotel (Paul Duboy, Beaux Arts 1903) (bl.02)
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West 74th Street (bl.4)
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Waldo Hutchins Bench, named after the first park administrator (Piccirilli Brothers, 1932) (bl.6)
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THE MET. 5th Avenue (bl.6a)
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The Roman Egyptian Temple of Dendur, 1st century B.C. (bl.7)
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The Charles Engelhard Court of American Sculpture (bl.8)
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‘The Vine’ (Harriet Frismuth, 1921) (bl.9)
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'Colossal Head of a Youth' (Hellenic 2nd century B.C.) (bl.10)
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204-212 5th Avenue, buildings of increasing height and modernity (bl.11)
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WASHINGTON SQUARE. Handout under the eye of the President (by Alexander Calder 1918). (bl.14)
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GREENWICH VILLAGE. MacDougal Street (bl.15)
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116 MacDougal Street, 'insomnia cookies' shop (bl.16)
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Downing Street (bl.17)
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Bedford/Morton Street (bl.18)
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Bedford Street (bl.19)
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WEST VILLAGE. Christopher Street (bl.20)
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Christopher Street, bin men and barber (bl.21)
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Washington Street, fire escapes (bl.22)
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Washington / Charles Street, fashion shoot (bl.24)
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Bell Telephone Laboratory (1898), Washington Street. Movies, television, phonograph etc were developed here. The High Line passed through the building (bl.25)
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MEAT PACKING DISTRICT. Start of the High Line walkway, from which the following 20 photos were taken (bl.26)
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High Line, beside the National Biscuit Company (NABISCO) building (bl.27)
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Coffee shop on Chelsea Market Passage, where High Line runs through the NABISCO building, West 15th Street (bl.28)