Ted and Jen:
'Head' (Allen Jones 1990) in Campbell Park; made from weathered Corten Steel (11/17 bo.02)
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Campbell Park, named after Lord 'Jock' Campbell of Eskan, first Chairman, in 1967, of Milton Keynes D.C. (11/17 bo.01)
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Amphitheatre in Campbell Park (11/17 bo.03)
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Runners at the 'Light Pyramid', Campbell Park (11/17 bo.04)
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The 'Light Pyramid' (2012 Liliane Lijn) at the far end of Midsummer Boulevard, Campbell Park (11/17 bo.05)
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The MK Rose by Gordon Young 2014 (11/17 bo.06)
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Granite pillar in the MK Rose, recalling the first Concrete Cow (by Liz Leyh 1978) (11/17 bo.07)
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'Moopheus' (1917) , one of MK's herd of 50 fibre glass cows, with free wi-fi, in Witan Court (11/17 bo.12)
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Central Business Exchange (11/17 bo.09)
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Skate boarders at The Winter Gardens (MKDC 1980s), Central Business Exhange. A location for the filming of Superman IV (11/17 bo.08)
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12th Street, the leisure centre of MK (11/17 bo.10)
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Rough sleepers in the subway to the Railway Station (11/17 bo.11)
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Subway to the Railway Station (11/17 bo.13)
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Station Square (1982) at the start of Midsummer Boulevard (11/17 bo.14)