ted adnan: #Sudanese #refugee mother & daughter in #KualaLumpur #Malaysia. #Photo by #TedAdnan via #Samsung #Note2 & #Snapseed . Copyright Ted Adnan Photography & Design text/whatsapp : +6 0122315654 email : tedadnan@gmail.com . I think Ms @aliatroy gonna say someth
ted adnan: Iraqi #refugee #boy in #KualaLumpur #Malaysia . #Photo by #TedAdnan via #Samsung #Note2 & #Snapseed. Copyright Ted Adnan Photography & Design text/whatsapp : +6 0122315654
ted adnan: #Somalis sibling, #Somali #refugee in #KualaLumpur #Malaysia. Photo copyright Ted Adnan Photography & Design text/whatsapp +6 0122315654 email: tedadnan@gmail.com #photo by #TedAdnan who use #Samsung #Note2 & #Snapseed
ted adnan: Ethnic #Karen #refugees from #Myanmar in their #traditional attire in #KualaLumpur #Malaysia #photo by #TedAdnan using a #Samsung #Note2 via #Snapseed . Photo copyright Ted Adnan Photography & Design text/whatsapp +6 0122315654 email: tedadnan@gmail.com
ted adnan: World Refugee Day 2013 Kuala Lumpur poster
ted adnan: World Refugee Day Kuala Lumpur 2013
ted adnan: Adam by Ted Adnan
ted adnan: Ted Adnan by Murali
ted adnan: The Most Important Thing-3755
ted adnan: The Most Important Thing-3955
ted adnan: The Most Important Thing-3656
ted adnan: The Most Important Thing-3814
ted adnan: The Most Important Thing-4210
ted adnan: The Most Important Thing-4207
ted adnan: The Most iImportant Thing-4167
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