ted adnan: Ted Adnan at work by Irwanizam
ted adnan: Tofek the Intern aka VAL
ted adnan: Test Shot - usingflash to overpower ambient light Pt 2
ted adnan: Test Shot - ambient light only vs Speedlights Pt 2
ted adnan: Test Shot - ambient light only vs Speedlights
ted adnan: A Bullfighter and his Champion Bull, Iloilo Day 7 Crossing Bridges 7 Nov 18-24 2010
ted adnan: Harith iskander being touched-up by Ms Eleena Laamat
ted adnan: Ninie Ahmad BTS by Ariffin Aris_6588
ted adnan: Anas Al Sheik my newest VAL
ted adnan: 242172_10150207236548073_684343072_7109846_4308065_o
ted adnan: BTS - Direct flash Pun Boleh!
ted adnan: Ted Adnan Bilang... Direct Flash Pun Boleh!
ted adnan: Ted Adnan Bilang... Direct Flash Pun Boleh!
ted adnan: Ted&Gamilight
ted adnan: BTS Adlin's photoshoot
ted adnan: Aizat & Yan , behind the scene
ted adnan: Don't fear the light oh strange lady of the night
ted adnan: #tedadnanbilang hari ni shoot upcoming band anak-anak muda #malaysia yang memanggil diri mereka, "Stubborn". #genre kumpulan #gitar #ranchak #kugiran "irama #Melayu Laju" Follow Instagram mereka @wearesostubborn . Lokasi #photoshoot : #TheBareboneStudio S
ted adnan: BTS ASMA by Ted Adnan Photography
ted adnan: BTS ASMA by Ted Adnan Photography_9884
ted adnan: Ted Adnan by Ted Adnan-5045
ted adnan: Oh no! its Ted Adnan the "Direct Flash-er" dewd!
ted adnan: Jay The Voice Activated Self-propelled light stand, yesterday ...
ted adnan: BTS of a strobist VAL
ted adnan: GDex corporate profile by Ted Adnan
ted adnan: ...and it's a Wrap!
ted adnan: Sushi & Zaliza Family photo @ The Barebone Studio