ted adnan: SOme other dewd with flute instrument thingies that entertained us during dinner
ted adnan: The dewds with drums who entertained us throught the dinner
ted adnan: Aziz Desa is the EemCee dewd...
ted adnan: Kamal is being shy hehehe...
ted adnan: Flash with high shutter speed
ted adnan: Flash with slow shutter speed
ted adnan: Asrul turn to be greeted by Dato' Shahrizad
ted adnan: Fizlee, Asrul and Dato' Shahrizad
ted adnan: Chit-chatting with the Minister...
ted adnan: DSC_3535Guess who is shaking hands with the Minister Dato' Sharizad? It's Fizlee!
ted adnan: Guess who is shaking hands with the Minister Dato' Sharizad?
ted adnan: Asrul, a good friend. We collaborate together on a coffeetable book. To be published end of the year lah :D