ted adnan: Belinda & The Eye on Malaysia
ted adnan: Norlie, Shafie and Ana
ted adnan: Asrul levitates
ted adnan: Fazdlun in Black with a graduated red background
ted adnan: Hayda the Femme Fatale
ted adnan: Fara in the limelight
ted adnan: Hayda on the red sofa with some prints on the walls where you can see some pictures of her there as well
ted adnan: Jam Session
ted adnan: Hayda in highkey settings
ted adnan: Ted Adnan's Portable Flash Technique Workshop 7, Saturday 10th february 2007.
ted adnan: Julia and the Butterfly
ted adnan: Fadzlun in black with a black background set up shot
ted adnan: Ted! How did you make the flash goes off like that lah?
ted adnan: Julia and the Black Dress...
ted adnan: 'Andrea, fight back!' final version
ted adnan: Mel & Bel
ted adnan: DSCF6663 - Ted Adnan's Portraiture Lighting Technique Workshop, Pangkor Island.
ted adnan: Hayda, at the 'Ted Adnan's Portable Flash Lighting Workshop 16, KL' earlier today.
ted adnan: Leo Babelicious holding a hat while pretending to be coy as per photog directions ahahahaha
ted adnan: leobabelicious & ted adnan at barebone studio ***grins***
ted adnan: Epa in Blue
ted adnan: Sunset on the Hill (a rough edit)
ted adnan: Dance in the fading lights...
ted adnan: Azah - a homage to Mr Helmut Newton
ted adnan: Zainefer "enter frame" while Jay tries to run away... by Ted Adnan
ted adnan: Dancing With Lights, Part 2
ted adnan: Sunday, 15th March 2015. #TedAdnanBilang... sebelum 1st #breakfast, shoot #sunrise dulu...
ted adnan: Ted Adnan bikin street shooting-8663
ted adnan: Kids Click participant group photo by csjian
ted adnan: Nurul with a red sarong in a tropical jungle in Malaysia