Ted Andes: Chain Bridge
Ted Andes: Chain Bridge; Before and After
Ted Andes: The Hungarian Parliament
Ted Andes: Budapest
Ted Andes: '95 Budapest International Blues Festival
Ted Andes: "Egészségünkre"
Ted Andes: Here today, gone tomorrow
Ted Andes: On the Charles Bridge
Ted Andes: Prague
Ted Andes: The Eiger
Ted Andes: Brugge
Ted Andes: Brugge Canals
Ted Andes: Brugge
Ted Andes: Almost there...
Ted Andes: Windmill
Ted Andes: Houses for the Soul
Ted Andes: Rembrandthuis
Ted Andes: I'll have a tall one...
Ted Andes: Carlsberg Gate
Ted Andes: Nyhavn
Ted Andes: 16 Random Things about Me
Ted Andes: af Chapman
Ted Andes: Boat; Before and After
Ted Andes: Gdańsk on the Waterfront
Ted Andes: Gdańsk-ing in the Rain
Ted Andes: Hala Ludowa
Ted Andes: "Arbeit Macht Frei"
Ted Andes: Auschwitz II-Birkenau
Ted Andes: A Cry of Despair
Ted Andes: Père Lachaise