Ted Abbott:
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Ted Abbott:
Georgia Aquarium
Ted Abbott:
My Fat Cat "Bear"
Ted Abbott:
Blessed Mother Teresa and child
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
Truck Fire Charlotte NC South Blvd. at corner of Archdale Friday 08/10/07
Ted Abbott:
Grizzly Bear
Ted Abbott:
Grizzly Bear Just Waking Up
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
Wilhelm the Polar Bear at play
Ted Abbott:
Filipino brothers
Ted Abbott:
Swing Ride
Ted Abbott:
Our Pro-Life Statue Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Ted Abbott:
Monestery of the Holy Eucharist, Lindogon Simala Sibonga, Philippines March 2007
Ted Abbott:
Cool Lion
Ted Abbott:
Bear 12 years old
Ted Abbott:
Feed me
Ted Abbott:
Saint Joseph and Baby Jesus - Cebu Metro Cathedral Philippines
Ted Abbott:
Tita hanging clothes at our apartment
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
I am King of the World
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
Circus Closing Festivities
Ted Abbott:
Polar Bear
Ted Abbott:
Ted Abbott:
Andrew Jackson Schoolhouse Waxhaw SC
Ted Abbott:
Taoist Temple Cebu May 2006
Ted Abbott:
Fighting Rooster