Teck Ghee Primary School:
P1C PAL OE Lesson 4 2012-2-22 21
Teck Ghee Primary School:
I am amazed
Teck Ghee Primary School:
Sharing the wonder of nature with my friend
Teck Ghee Primary School:
P1C PAL OE Lesson 4 2012-2-22 50
Teck Ghee Primary School:
P1C PAL OE Lesson 4 2012-2-22 52
Teck Ghee Primary School:
Taking notes outfield
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012 P5 Adventure Camp Day 1 86
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012 P5 Adventure Camp Day 1 311
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012 P5 Adventure Camp Day 1 571
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012 P5 Adventure Camp Day 1 576
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012 P5 Adventure Camp Day 2 101
Teck Ghee Primary School:
Our students interacting with one of the judges of the competition
Teck Ghee Primary School:
Teck Ghee Primary School:
Teck Ghee Primary School:
Zonal Parent Seminar 2012 147
Teck Ghee Primary School:
I spy with my eye
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012-7-17 P3 LJ to Eco Garden 114
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012-7-17 P3 LJ to Eco Garden 180
Teck Ghee Primary School:
2012-7-20 Racial Harmony Day Celebrations 217