Teck Ghee Primary School: The pledge takers
Teck Ghee Primary School: 4 Care Students
Teck Ghee Primary School: Fusion Dancers
Teck Ghee Primary School: Fusion Dancers
Teck Ghee Primary School: Singing the National Anthem
Teck Ghee Primary School: Prime Minister Lee
Teck Ghee Primary School: PM Lee and the residents of Teck Ghee watching the performance
Teck Ghee Primary School: Fusion Dancers in motion
Teck Ghee Primary School: Fusion Dancers in motion
Teck Ghee Primary School: Fusion Dancers in motion
Teck Ghee Primary School: Fusion Dancers in motion
Teck Ghee Primary School: Townsville Primary School Indian Dancers
Teck Ghee Primary School: Chinese Dancers in motion
Teck Ghee Primary School: Choir members in action
Teck Ghee Primary School: Happy Birthday Singapore!
Teck Ghee Primary School: Mdm Chua receiving a token of appreciation from PM Lee on behalf of the school
Teck Ghee Primary School: TGPS Performers
Teck Ghee Primary School: Interaction with PM Lee
Teck Ghee Primary School: Group photo with Prime Minister Lee
Teck Ghee Primary School: Guzheng members performing
Teck Ghee Primary School: Guzheng members performing
Teck Ghee Primary School: PM Lee greeting the Guzheng members
Teck Ghee Primary School: Another side of PM Lee
Teck Ghee Primary School: National Day Wish for Singapore